…there is more to truth than what we call facts…

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Truth in Media is NOT an Oxymoron.

...well... most of the time...

Okay, so sometimes journalists make a mistake-- but that is why it is so important to verify your information all the time. That way, if something goes wrong, you can say your sorry and people will BELIEVE YOU... if you always lie, no one is going to give you the benefit of the doubt

So it's simple, all you need to do is verify, verify, verify. 

But how?

Don't worry-- I paid attention in class and can totally answer your question. 
First, Don't add cool information. I know it would be great for your article if the F16 had done stunts-- but sometimes a fly-over is just a fly-over... deal with it. (P.S.... if there is a fly-over and you don't think that is cool enough, you need to go visit a doctor.)

The second one matches the first. Don't deceive the audience. You are loyal to them... loyal people don't lie. Remember that. (For those living in a hole: liberal media tried to make the Tea Party Rally seem unattended... it wasn't. You can also see how they try to shape your opinion by the type of people they interview and the people and posters they have surrounding the anchor.)

Third, Rely on your own reporting. Don't read an article in the paper and assume that the journalist worked hard to uncover every angle. Do your own research, write your own story. It is okay to base a little of your story off someone else's, but be your own journalist-- and DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!... ever.

Fourth and Final, be humble. Don't let your pride get in they way of apologizing for a bad story. It would be better for you to apologize and try harder in the future than for you to try and defend your bad story.

With all of Folly's Frivolities, 

Allison Goett

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!!! Truth and Media not=oxymoron! haha Don't plagiarize and don't deceive are truths that we all learn and I believe that all good journalists follow these rules.

    It's so true that you shouldn't let your pride get in the way. Lacking humility is the fastest way to loose your credibility. First, people want to hear from normal REAL people. People make mistakes and that's ok, especially when you can admit it and say sorry. Many newspapers have retractions pages and are still successful and have credibility. It's all a matter of being able to admit you were wrong and say sorry...something we learned as 5-year-olds.
